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  1. OpenShift Request For Enhancement
  2. RFE-1511

Health checker required before upgrade


    • False
    • False
    • Undefined

      1. Proposed title of this feature request-  Require a preflight health checker before upgrade
      1.  What is the nature and description of the request? We have reviwed quite a number of cases where upgrade is having issues like below :
        1. NodeClockNotSynchronising could lead issues later for upgrade.
        2. Operators are in degraded state after upgrade but the root cause of the operators are because of low resources hence it should be checked before
        3. Upgrade stuck because default scc was modified. 
        4. Conflicting issues in machineconfig causes upgrade failures. hence machine configs should be checked before upgrade and a proper message to resolve it should be notified.
        5. etcd latency issues often lead to api failures and causes different operators in degraded state after upgrade hence user should be notified before upgrade aboyut health of etcd and api because operators are degraded sometimes and sometimes not.
        6. csr check 
        7. Certificate check
        8. Check for : Service Catalog, Template Service Broker, Ansible Service Broker, and their associated Operators  to be notified to customers that they are not upgradeable
        9. Check for the image pull before upgrade in case of disconnected : https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.4/updating/updating-restricted-network-cluster.html#updating-restricted-network-image-signature-configmap

            kdube@redhat.com Katherine Dubé
            rhn-support-jkaur Jaspreet Kaur
            2 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
