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  1. OpenShift Request For Enhancement
  2. RFE-1328

new-app could provide more insight into why image deployment failed



    • False
    • False
    • 0
    • 0% 0%
    • Undefined


      I accidentally tried to deploy a private image from Quay and new-app didn't really tell me anything meaningful:

      oc new-app --docker-image=quay.io/roddiekieley/podescape-io --loglevel=8
      I1023 09:34:07.182112 2838550 loader.go:375] Config loaded from file: /home/thoraxe/.kube/config
      I1023 09:34:07.184872 2838550 newapp.go:659] Docker client did not respond to a ping: Get http://unix.sock/_ping: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied
      I1023 09:34:07.185047 2838550 dockerimagelookup.go:87] checking remote registry for "quay.io/roddiekieley/podescape-io"
      {{I1023 09:34:07.185696 2838550 request.go:1017] Request Body: {"kind":"ImageStreamImport","apiVersion":"image.openshift.io/v1","metadata":




      I1023 09:34:07.185764 2838550 round_trippers.go:420] POST https://api.cluster-380f.380f.example.opentlc.com:6443/apis/image.openshift.io/v1/namespaces/arcade/imagestreamimports
      I1023 09:34:07.185775 2838550 round_trippers.go:427] Request Headers:
      I1023 09:34:07.185783 2838550 round_trippers.go:431] Accept: application/json, /
      I1023 09:34:07.185790 2838550 round_trippers.go:431] Content-Type: application/json
      I1023 09:34:07.185803 2838550 round_trippers.go:431] User-Agent: oc/openshift (linux/amd64) kubernetes/bc08a48
      I1023 09:34:07.185813 2838550 round_trippers.go:431] Authorization: Bearer <masked>
      I1023 09:34:08.585892 2838550 round_trippers.go:446] Response Status: 201 Created in 1400 milliseconds
      I1023 09:34:08.585935 2838550 round_trippers.go:449] Response Headers:
      I1023 09:34:08.585948 2838550 round_trippers.go:452] Audit-Id: 54ddbce7-4575-4d02-b523-155e11735fea
      I1023 09:34:08.585958 2838550 round_trippers.go:452] Cache-Control: no-cache, private
      I1023 09:34:08.585967 2838550 round_trippers.go:452] Cache-Control: no-store
      I1023 09:34:08.585981 2838550 round_trippers.go:452] Content-Type: application/json
      I1023 09:34:08.585991 2838550 round_trippers.go:452] Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2020 13:34:08 GMT
      I1023 09:34:08.586003 2838550 round_trippers.go:452] Content-Length: 860
      {{I1023 09:34:08.586057 2838550 request.go:1017] Response Body: {"kind":"ImageStreamImport","apiVersion":"image.openshift.io/v1","metadata":{"name":"newapp","namespace":"arcade","selfLink":"/apis/image.openshift.io/v1/namespaces/arcade/imagestreamimports/newapp","uid":"8883f588-3ee4-4e16-9715-80fac9a79c48","creationTimestamp":"2020-10-23T13:34:07Z","managedFields":[{"manager":"oc","operation":"Update","apiVersion":"image.openshift.io/v1","time":"2020-10-23T13:34:07Z","fieldsType":"FieldsV1","fieldsV1":{"f:spec":{"f:images":{}}}}]},"spec":{"import":false,"images":[{"from":


      ,"importPolicy":{},"referencePolicy":{"type":"Source"}}]},"status":{"images":[{"status":{"metadata":{},"status":"Failure","message":"you may not have access to the container image \"quay.io/roddiekieley/podescape-io:latest\"","reason":"Unauthorized","code":401},"tag":"latest"}]}}}}
      {{I1023 09:34:08.592186 2838550 dockerimagelookup.go:230] image import failed: v1.ImageImportStatus{Status:v1.Status{TypeMeta:v1.TypeMeta

      {Kind:"", APIVersion:""}

      , ListMeta:v1.ListMeta{SelfLink:"", ResourceVersion:"", Continue:"", RemainingItemCount*int64)(nil)}, Status:"Failure", Message:"you may not have access to the container image \"quay.io/roddiekieley/podescape-io:latest\"", Reason:"Unauthorized", Details*v1.StatusDetails)(nil), Code:401}, Image*v1.Image)(nil), Tag:"latest"}}}
      F1023 09:34:08.592386 2838550 helpers.go:114] error: unable to locate any local docker images with name "quay.io/roddiekieley/podescape-io"

      The 'oc new-app' command will match arguments to the following types:

      1. Images tagged into image streams in the current project or the 'openshift' project
      {{ - if you don't specify a tag, we'll add ':latest'}}
      {{ 2. Images in the Docker Hub, on remote registries, or on the local Docker engine}}
      {{ 3. Templates in the current project or the 'openshift' project}}
      {{ 4. Git repository URLs or local paths that point to Git repositories}}

      --allow-missing-images can be used to point to an image that does not exist yet.

      See 'oc new-app -h' for examples.


      At the time this image was private / required auth. You can see the HTTP status code was 401 unauthorized, but new-app didn't tell me that.


      It would be nice if, in the case of a failure to interrogate the remote registry, new-app reported what happened. The status message is already there.




            gausingh@redhat.com Gaurav Singh
            erikmjacobs Erik Jacobs
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