Feature Request
Resolution: Won't Do
1. Proposed title of this feature request
Openshift should validate the 'route' url immediately after it gets create.
2. What is the nature and description of the request?
When the customer creates a 'route' OR when it gets auto created as part of new-app deployment, OCP on its own should try to resolve that route URL and should show the output on the screen or on GUI. This will help in following ways;
- If it gets resolved, it indicates the external DNS wildcard entry is proper.
- If not, customer can try to fix the any DNS issue(Internal/External) there itself.
- If it resolves, customer would get to know to which IP the URL is getting resolved and they can then even validate if that IP is correct/expected or not.
A small message of what we expect the resolved IP should like their external LB's IP etc should be even better.
3. Why does the customer need this?(List the business requirements here)
This RFE is being raised proactively as customer had faced the issue and after debugging it found out to be an issue with their external DNS wildcard entry. If OCP does the task proactively as suggested above the issue will be detected immediately rather than later when customer will face issue while accessing the application using route URL.
I agree that the issue which customer faced was due to improper configuration of an external DNS(outside OCP) but above suggested steps would help customers pin pointing those existing issues in the infra which will ultimately help us if they avoid raising support cases with us because of such issues in their infra.
4. List any affected packages or components.
OpenShift DNS / CoreDNS.