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  1. RESTEasy
  2. RESTEASY-721

ExceptionMapper waits for timeout of AsynchronousResponse


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 2.3.7.Final
    • 2.3.1, 2.3.3.Final, 2.3.4.Final
    • jaxrs
    • None

      When using AsynchronousResponse the client needs to wait for the specified timeout in case the ExceptionMapper is triggered. This is unexpected behaviour since the exception should be returned immediately. (In fact this is done, but the client keeps waiting for the server to close the connection).

      import org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.Suspend;
      import org.jboss.resteasy.spi.AsynchronousResponse;
      public class SimpleResource {
         public void test(final @Suspend(10000) AsynchronousResponse response) throws Exception {
            //Throw an exception
            throw new RuntimeException();
      import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
      import javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status;
      import javax.ws.rs.ext.ExceptionMapper;
      public class EJBExceptionMapper implements ExceptionMapper<RuntimeException> { 
         public Response toResponse(EJBException exception) {
            return Response.status(500).build();

        1. AsyncHttpExceptionTest.java
          3 kB
          Ronald Sigal
        2. resteasy-721.tar
          50 kB
          Ronald Sigal
        3. RESTEASY-721-HttpServlet30Dispatcher.tar.gz
          17 kB
          Aede van der Weij
        4. RESTEASY-721-Jetty-8.1.1.tar.gz
          4 kB
          Aede van der Weij

              rsigal@redhat.com Ronald Sigal
              vdweij Aede van der Weij (Inactive)
              1 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
