Component Upgrade
Resolution: Done
Tag: https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/yasson/releases/tag/3.0.4
Diff: https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/yasson/compare/3.0.2...3.0.4
Please note this upgrade contains https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/yasson/pull/586 which we do not agree with as it differs from what the JavaDoc indicates. However, we worked around this in RESTEASY-3397. This upgrade was not done in WildFly and we may consider it at some point so it likely makes sense to do it here. There is https://github.com/jakartaee/jsonb-api/issues/346 to clarify the behavior.
- clones
RESTEASY-3525 Upgrade Eclipse Parsson to 1.1.7
- Resolved