Resolution: Done
4.1.1.Final, 3.8.1.Final
In Wildfly 8.0.0.CR1, ResteasyCdiExtension is adding @Scope annotations to classes that were not intended to be CDI beans. If the class is final, or otherwise unproxyable, this causes a WELD-001437/UnproxyableResolutionException when the provider is instantiated by resteasy.
See linked resteasy-dev email chain for more details.
- clones
RESTEASY-1015 ResteasyCdiExtension is adding CDI scopes to classes that should not be CDI beans
- Resolved
- is blocked by
WFLY-2859 Treating all JAX-RS components as CDI Beans has some negative consequences
- Closed
- is related to
RESTEASY-2230 Determine why NettyTests fail with proposed change to ResteasyCdiExtension
- Resolved