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  1. RESTEasy
  2. RESTEASY-2017

SSE doesn't work with inherited annotations


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • 3.12.0.Final, 4.5.5.Final
    • 4.0.0.Beta5, 3.6.3.Final, 4.0.0.CR2
    • jaxrs
    • None
    • Hide

      Using a setup like below...

      interface API {
        void events(@Context SseEventSink sseSink, @Context Sse sse);
      class APIImpl implements API {
        void events(SseEventSink sseSink, Sse sse) {
          active.saveForLater(sseSink, sse);

      The error seems to be located at SseEventOutputImpl.java:116. It uses method.getMethod().getAnnotation(). Which doesn't look for inherited annotations.

      The fix appears simple. "method" which is a "ResourceMethodInvoker" already has all the inherited annotations gathered. It just needs to be checked in place of the current.

      Using a setup like below... interface API { @Produces( "text/event-stream" ) @GET @Path( "events" ) void events(@Context SseEventSink sseSink, @Context Sse sse); } class APIImpl implements API { void events(SseEventSink sseSink, Sse sse) { active.saveForLater(sseSink, sse); } } The error seems to be located at SseEventOutputImpl.java:116. It uses method.getMethod().getAnnotation(). Which doesn't look for inherited annotations. The fix appears simple. "method" which is a "ResourceMethodInvoker" already has all the inherited annotations gathered. It just needs to be checked in place of the current.

      When defining JAX-RS methods via an interface the framework incorrectly reports that the method is missing annotations. The exact message is:

      Expected @Stream or @Produces("text/event-stream")

              rhn-engineering-ema Jim Ma
              kevinwooten Kevin Wooten (Inactive)
              1 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
