Resolution: Done
Workaround Exists
Hi, after changing resteasy dependency from 3.0.9 to 3.1.4, our StreamingOutput implementation stopped flushing data. So, the data is flushed only on exitting StreamingOutput.method.
After investigating resteasy source code, I've found that the root cause is empty flush method in HttpServletResponseWrapper.DeferredOutputStream (code removed in https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RESTEASY-1650).
We are using jetty 9.2.19 as a container and ServletRequest.startAsync feature to make responses async. This async invocation makes jetty not to close response (and output stream) on exit.
Also, since jetty doesn't close the output with this async, we should take care of it ourselves, but with empty close method, it's also impossible from OutputStream
- is caused by
RESTEASY-1650 Wrapping outputstreams set in interceptors are not closed
- Closed
- is related to
RESTEASY-2901 Upon a serialization error, jackson2 writes garbage (partially serialized entity) to resteasy's Response
- Open