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  1. RDO Project
  2. RDO-274

Modify the way we compute the number of days in dashboard


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • RDO Dalmatian
    • None
    • maquinaria
    • None

      Currently, in https://dashboards.rdoproject.org/rdo-dev, for the puppet promotion pipeline, we compute the number of days by subtracting the current timestamp and the timestamp of the latest promoted build in puppet-passed-ci.
      The problem with that is when there is no new commit upstream since x days, the computed result will x days, and the tile will be in red (if x>3).

      The solution:
      We should compute the number of days by subtracting the timestramp of the latest build in current and the one of the latest build promoted in puppet-passed-ci.


            jcapitao1@redhat.com Joel Capitao
            jcapitao1@redhat.com Joel Capitao
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