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  1. Quarkus
  2. QUARKUS-557

Quarkus returns 500 Server Error and a NullPointerException if a it fails to parse the URI


      When clients are sending faulty URI containing reserved or illegal characters the expected response would be to return 400 Bad Request, but currently RESTEasy responds with a 500 Server Error.

      This causes issues for customers when they cannot map bad request to the correct error handling and since 500 Server Error trigger alerting alarms this may cause operational issues and faulty suspicions that the application is not working correctly.

      The main issue is that Vert.x Web io.vertx.ext.web.impl.HttpServerRequestWrapper#absolutURI that returns null if it fails to parse the URI correctly, which was reported here: https://github.com/vert-x3/vertx-web/issues/1654. This issue has been resolved in Vert.x. 4.0, but until RHBQ upgrades to use Vert.x 4 we need to provide a solution in Quarkus. 

      The issue is reported in the Quarkus community here: https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus/issues/10801

              sdouglas1@redhat.com Stuart Douglas (Inactive)
              rhn-sa-tqvarnst Thomas Qvarnström
              Michal Jurc Michal Jurc
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
