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  1. Quarkus
  2. QUARKUS-3339

Vertx SQL client hangs, when it inserts null or empty string into Oracle DB


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      git clone -b 3.2 git@github.com:quarkus-qe/quarkus-test-suite.git
      mvn clean verify -pl sql-db/vertx-sql -Dit.test=OracleHandlerIT#basketScenario -Dquarkus.platform.version=3.2.0.Final 

      Use -Dquarkus.platform.version=3.0.0.Final to compare with other version, -Dit.test=PostgresqlHandlerIT#basketScenario(or MysqlHandler) to compare with other databases and remove this line[1] to compare with non-null string.

      [1] https://github.com/quarkus-qe/quarkus-test-suite/blob/3.2/sql-db/vertx-sql/src/test/java/io/quarkus/ts/vertx/sql/handlers/spec/BasketHandlerSpec.java#L33

      git clone -b 3.2 git@github.com:quarkus-qe/quarkus-test-suite.git mvn clean verify -pl sql-db/vertx-sql -Dit.test=OracleHandlerIT#basketScenario -Dquarkus.platform.version=3.2.0.Final Use -Dquarkus.platform.version=3.0.0.Final to compare with other version, -Dit.test=PostgresqlHandlerIT#basketScenario (or MysqlHandler ) to compare with other databases and remove this line [1] to compare with non-null string. [1] https://github.com/quarkus-qe/quarkus-test-suite/blob/3.2/sql-db/vertx-sql/src/test/java/io/quarkus/ts/vertx/sql/handlers/spec/BasketHandlerSpec.java#L33
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      I have an application, which uses vetrx sql (mutiny) client to save data into database using preparedSQL method inside a transaction.
      When I use it for a statement like this: INSERT INTO passenger (nif,name,last_name,contact_number,created_at,address_id) VALUES (null,'Walt','White','+34608554433',1692717882078,2) or like this INSERT INTO passenger (nif,name,last_name,contact_number,created_at,address_id) VALUES ('','Walt','White','+34608554433',1692718041072,2) the application hangs indefinitely, but only if I use Quarkus version 3.1.0.Final or newer. In the older versions (for other databases) I receive this error: Error Msg = ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("TEST"."PASSENGER"."NIF"). If empty value (nif in this case) is replaced with an ordinary one, then everything works as expected.

            rhn-engineering-tsegismo Thomas Segismont
            rhn-support-fdudinsk Fedor Dudinskii
            Fedor Dudinskii Fedor Dudinskii
            0 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
