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  1. Quarkus
  2. QUARKUS-2826

Context not propagating with OpenTelemetry


      Per customer

      We have migrated to OpenTelemetry because RHBQ 2.13 release notes pointed out that smallrye opentracing was deprecated.
      But we spotted that in one of our usecase a regression compared to the usage of smallrye-opentracing which is the following : 
      The OTEL context is not propagated when we use our own ExecutorService but instrumented with ThreadContext propagation.
      We created a reproducer available on github ( https://github.com/OpenGuidou/opentelemetry-propagation-reproducer) that is showing that we loose the traceid upon creating a new span in an asynchronous method execution, whereas quarkus bootstraps should ensure the propagation.
      This case is quite urgent because it blocks us towards the migration to newest RHBQ (2.13) 




      Customer has  also raised a similar request in community => https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus/issues/30362




              rcortez@redhat.com Roberto Cortez
              rhn-support-asaji Anu Saji
              Fedor Dudinskii Fedor Dudinskii
              0 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
