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  1. Quarkus
  2. QUARKUS-2236

Micro upgrades of Quarkus Core in the Platform introduce duplicate jars


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • 2.7.6.ER1
    • platform, team/prod
    • ---

      When Quarkus Core is upgraded from e.g. 2.7.5.Final-redhat to 2.7.6.Final-redhat in the prod Platform and CEQ is present, then the resulting zipped Maven repository should not introduce any new duplicate jar artifacts.

      I can see this happening when upgrading from 2.7.5.Final-redhat to 2.7.6.Final-redhat.
      See the attached fragment of the surefire report.
      Some of those are harmless and inevitable as long as CEQ 2.7.5 was built against Quarkus core 2.7.5 I mean mainly BOMs and parents. I guess those are available in MRRC already anyway.

      But still many are serious, i.e. duplicate jars

      I think it points at insufficient management somewhere. But I am not able to tell quickly where and how to fix it.

        1. dups.txt
          189 kB
          Peter Palaga

            olubyans@redhat.com Alexey Loubyansky
            ppalaga Peter Palaga
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            1 Start watching this issue
