Resolution: Done
Quarkus Upstream Docs Sprin 11, Quarkus Docs Sprint 12, Quarkus Docs Sprint 13
- A new test IBM Lifecycle product doc for Quarkus downstream docs: https://docs-manager.dcs.ibm.com/
https://docs-manager.dcs.ibm.com/page/redhat - DONE. Created Lifecycle mpurcell_red_hat_Quarkus, which gets source from Partnership GitHub instance: https://github.com/Partner-Docs-RedHat/mpurcell_red_hat_Quarkus
- Create a pipeline to transform the source to the desired Red Hat output (pipeline = the job that can be automated from the source repo to actually build and transform the content to HTML). DONE. Created a pipeline for the Quarkus Getting Started guide on IBM WFM instance instance https://wfm.dcs.ibm.com/redhat/32 .
- Created a transform for the pipeline to use. DONE. Created a HTML transform that maps to the master.adoc of the Getting Started guide.:
- Configure the pipeline with a transform step that uses the transform source created. DONE
- Run the pipeline. DONE:
- Retrieve and test the HTML output from the Activity tab. Download the zip. Download the logs. DONE.
- Analyze the transform results.
- is cloned by
QDOCS-391 Test a Quarkus upstream-sourced tutorial on IBM WFM
- Closed