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  1. Quarkus Documentation
  2. QDOCS-282

Research a solution for the handling of tooltip texts upstream


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Obsolete
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • Upstream-Downstream
    • None

      Context: Tooltips texts are widely used in upstream content. For example, in tables, attached to icons, etc., but the tooltip markup does not render downstream due to PV2 limitations. Further investigation and discussion with upstream stakeholders needed to understand the need for implementing tooltips in this way upstream. Are they necessary? Can the same information be rendered in the content in a different way? How is accessibility considered?


      Resources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15jd7xD7-_Q1sg-ayl5uMGIJc8atAzwL57M2jeSg1c4I/edit# 

              shjones@redhat.com Sheila Jones
              shjones@redhat.com Sheila Jones
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