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  1. Quarkus Documentation
  2. QDOCS-147

[Docs]: Create "Configuring your Quarkus applications by using a YAML file" guide upstream


    • Quarkus Upstream Docs Sprint 7, Quarkus Upstream Docs Sprint 8, Quarkus Upstream Docs Sprint 9, Quarkus UpstreamDocs Sprint 10, Quarkus Upstream Docs Sprin 11, Quarkus Docs Sprint 12, Quarkus Docs Sprint 13, Quarkus Docs Sprint 14, Quarkus Docs Sprint 15, Quarkus Docs Sprint 16
    • +

      From the Docs priority sheet:

      • Restructure https://quarkus.io/guides/config-yaml into a how-to.
      • Some of the information currently in the upstream guide seems to apply to other configuration methods, too. Can we move these somewhere else (like in the configuration reference)?

              rdlugyhe Rolfe Dlugy-Hegwer
              142934-CCS-smanocha Sunayna Manocha
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
