Resolution: Unresolved
[Docs]: Deploying your Quarkus applications to OpenShift Container Platform guide
To Do
47% To Do, 0% In Progress, 53% Done
Scoping work in progress: QDOCS-265.
Doc research and content design MIRO: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVMEeX8V8=/?share_link_id=52275590208
Draft scoping document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tPa5S1zl-m7Tv751MJSUdhAYtcNShCgSp5oNOfaIktk/edit
Update the existing OpenShift deployment docs for Quarkus 3.x customers.
Notable changes in 3.0 that could impact existing upstream and downstream docs:
- Quarkus CLI and the Maven and Gradle plugins now have the ability to deploy:
- `quarkus deploy` or `mvn quarkus:deploy` or `gradle deploy`
- Enables the deployment of Quarkus applications to platforms like Kubernetes, Knative and OpenShift. All without requiring changes to the project dependencies or configuration and therefore simplifying developer experience.
- Other key 3.x changes upstream/downstream?
Update and style the existing upstream content for 3.2 GA (June 20th approx)
Deploying on OpenShift
This guide covers how to deploy a native application on OpenShift.
Note: Currently, this guide doesn't cover as much detail as the downstream version. The upstream guide could be further enhanced by backporting some of the 2.13 content and structure upstream. Needs to be converted to diataxis and Quarkus style.
Update and style the existing downstream guide for the first product release of 3.2 in September (TBC)
Deploying your Quarkus applications to OpenShift Container Platform guide
Use the upstream-first approach.
- Ioannis Canellos
- Ladislav Thon
- Georgios Andrianakis
- Martin Kouba.
- Thomas Qvarnstrom (If blocked with product support questions){}
- is triggering
QUARKUS-3214 [Doc Review]: QDOCS-141 [Docs]: Deploying your Quarkus applications to OpenShift Container Platform guide
- Closed