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  1. Performance and Scale for AI Platforms
  2. PSAP-484

Move the GPU Operator to a dedicated/unique namespace


    • PSAP Sprint 208, PSAP Sprint 209, PSAP Sprint 210, PSAP Sprint 211, PSAP Sprint 213

      The GPU Operator currently lives in the `openshift-operators` namespace. This makes several problems of cohabitation with other operators, and in addition, it is a problem to enable cluster monitoring of this shared namespace.

      This task will track the progress of moving the GPU Operator a/ to a dedicated `openshift-*` namespace and b/ to gather all the GPU Operator resources (currently living in `gpu-operator-resources`) in this namespace.

      Point a/ should be trivial, we just need to agree on the right namespace name,
      point b/ will require more collaboration with NVIDIA as the operator needs to be refactored to take this into account.

            kpouget1 Kevin Pouget (Inactive)
            kpouget1 Kevin Pouget (Inactive)
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