Hi, recently we found that our cosigning container images get slower obviously (around 3x) since around Oct 20. I don't see any updates impacting cosigning perf in our application side. So just want to confirm if there is any perf regression in Quay API.
An example calling Quay API by cosigning a container image:
$ /usr/bin/cosign -t 30s sign -y --key xxx --allow-http-registry=false --allow-insecure-registry=false --rekor-url https://rekor-server-trusted-artifact-signer.apps.rosa.rekor-stage.ic5w.p3.openshiftapps.com --tlog-upload=true --sign-container-identity images.paas.redhat.com/repo501:16.1-51 -a tag=16.1-51 quay.io/redhat-dev/repo501@sha256:493d11f8ff5caf7ddd3666130977798b765fa598fc7141592d6f4b5df3657f40 -d
Called APIs and time: