We will be directing cdn01.quay.io to Akamai in the near future. We're aiming to move 500 TB of traffic by October 14th. To that end we need to provision staging and production environments for Akamai, similar to CloudFlare. Everything we have configured for CloudFlare today should be roughly mirrored and made available on Akamai. We should use Terraform to provision the infrastructure.
bcaton@redhat.com syahmed@redhat.com can be consulted on Terraform basics and fleshing out what needs to be provisioned
rh-ee-mfuerstn can be consulted from IT ACE team for access to the Akamai instance
John Morton and John Surprenant work for Akamai and can help work through specific questions about using Akamai with Terraform, jomorton@akamai.com and jsurpren@akamai.com
- is duplicated by
PROJQUAY-7727 Identify and Enable Akamai on quay.io
- Closed