Goal: Allow customers to run both Quay and Clair in air-gapped environments
Problem: As of today Quay works fine air-gapped but Clair requires a persistent internet connection to fetch CVE metadata synchronously as defined in the config
Why is this important: Many customers in EMEA and NAPS run air-gapped setups but still want to leverage the high value Clair scanning there
Dependencies (internal and external):
Enhanced support for disconnected and air-gapped environments
Prioritized epics + deliverables (in scope / not in scope):
- As a user I can override the currently hardcoded URLs for CVE data streams to provide my own copies inside my air-gapped env.
- As a user I can control whether I’m running Quay/Clair in an air-gapped environment as part of the main deployment configuration (config app, setup operator).
- As a user I can read documentation which describes how to deploy Quay and Clair inside an air-gapped environment including keeping it up2date (update mgt).
- As a user I can read documentation which describes how to get the feeds used by Clair into my air-gapped environment.
- As a user I have tooling which semi-automates the feed provisioning inside my air-gapped environment (as part of the wider repo mirroring support for air-gapped env’s).
- As a user I can configure (enable / disable) my CVE metadata sources to ensure that I only need to sync really required feeds into my air-gapped environment.
- As a user I can configure a warning period (X days) to trigger warnings (email, UI) if the CVE feeds used by Clair are older than X days. This is also shown on scan result pages where those feeds are used.
- As a user I can see if a required CVE feed isn’t available (yet) such as the detector identified a RHEL based image but the corresponding OVAL or CVRF feed isn’t available or has been deselected by the user (false negatives warning).
Estimate (XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL):
Previous Work:
Open questions: