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  1. Project Quay
  2. PROJQUAY-6930

Complications caused by a size of matcher.db


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    • Resolution: Done
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    • clair
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      Team RHTAP-integration is providing daily builds of clair-action. After the recent upgrade to version 0.0.7 of clair-action, we no longer can use github-actions for testing purposes of the build image because of its size (~20 GB of uncompressed data).

      Here is an example of failing test.
      This upscaling is complicating testing process and we also had to move building of the image from GH actions due to this.

      I'm not familiar with its creation so my proposions can't be specific.
      Are there any plans of making those data(matcher.db) efficiently compressed. 
      Is there a way to scale down/compress the size of it?

      From my understanding the oval file will only grow in time to cover more vulnerabilities which can lead to re-appearance of those space-connected issues.

            jcroslan@redhat.com Joseph Crosland
            jsztuka Jiri Sztuka
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            3 Start watching this issue
