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  1. Project Quay
  2. PROJQUAY-6917

Quay 3.11 new UI Enable OIDC Sync should ask users to input the group object id when target is Azure Entra ID


    • False
    • None
    • False


      This is an issue found in Quay 3.11 new UI, when users want to use OIDC team sync users from OIDC Server, if the target Server is Azure Entra ID, then here need to input the Object ID of the OIDC group, here input the name of OIDC group will not work, suggest give some description in the tip, pls review this issue.

      Quay: quay-operator-bundle-container-v3.11.0-35

      Quay 3.11 ask user to input the OIDC Group Name, but for Azure Entra ID, should input the Object ID of the OIDC Group.


            sdadi@redhat.com Sunanda Dadi
            lzha1981 luffy zhang
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            5 Start watching this issue
