Resolution: Done
Quay Enterprise
When we export updates with clairctl and then try to import them to the database, clairctl always errors out:
root@dalek:/tmp/clair-reproducer# podman run --rm -v /tmp/clair-reproducer/:/clair/config --entrypoint /usr/bin/clairctl registry.redhat.io/quay/clair-rhel8:v3.7.7 --config /clair/config/config.yaml -D export-updaters --gzip /clair/config/updaters.gz ... 2022-09-09T11:06:30Z INF parse start component=rhel/rhcc/Updater.Parse updater=rhel-container-updater 2022-09-09T11:06:35Z DBG xml decoded component=rhel/rhcc/Updater.Parse updater=rhel-container-updater 2022-09-09T11:06:35Z DBG found raw entries component=rhel/rhcc/Updater.Parse count=27496 updater=rhel-container-updater 2022-09-09T11:06:36Z DBG found vulnerabilities component=rhel/rhcc/Updater.Parse count=11393 updater=rhel-container-updater 2022-09-09T11:06:36Z INF parse done component=rhel/rhcc/Updater.Parse updater=rhel-container-updater 2022-09-09T11:06:36Z INF successful update component=libvuln/updates/Manager.driveUpdater ref=7ce9eccf-2d29-46d4-93d6-4e8192fbd39a updater=rhel-container-updater 2022-09-09T11:06:36Z INF finished update component=libvuln/updates/Manager.driveUpdater updater=rhel-container-updater 2022-09-09T11:09:20Z ERR error="updating errors:\npyupio: pyupio: fetcher got unexpected HTTP response: 404 (404 Not Found)\naws-linux1-updater: failed to create client: failed to make request for mirrors: unexpected response 400 400 Bad Request\n" root@dalek:/tmp/clair-reproducer# file updaters.gz updaters.gz: gzip compressed data, original size modulo 2^32 1023968533 root@dalek:/tmp/clair-reproducer# podman run --rm -v /tmp/clair-reproducer/:/clair/config --entrypoint /usr/bin/clairctl registry.redhat.io/quay/clair-rhel8:v3.7.7 -config /clair/config/config.yaml -D import-updaters --gzip /clair/config/updaters.gz 2022-09-09T11:24:27Z ERR error="gzip: invalid header"
The file created by clairctl can be gunzipped successfully without any errors:
root@dalek:/tmp/clair-reproducer# gunzip updaters.gz root@dalek:/tmp/clair-reproducer# file updaters updaters: JSON data
The same error affects Clair image version 3.6.8-3.6.10 as well as image version 3.7. The issue also affects multiple customers who cannot reliably use Clair in disconnected environments since importing does not work. Even if we ungzip and then gzip the file again, Clair still complains that the file has a wrong header:
root@dalek:/tmp/clair-reproducer# gunzip updaters.gz root@dalek:/tmp/clair-reproducer# file updaters updaters: JSON data root@dalek:/tmp/clair-reproducer# gzip updaters root@dalek:/tmp/clair-reproducer# podman run --rm -v /tmp/clair-reproducer/:/clair/config --entrypoint /usr/bin/clairctl registry.redhat.io/quay/clair-rhel8:v3.7.7 --config /clair/config/config.yaml -D import-updaters --gzip /clair/config/updaters.gz 2022-09-09T11:43:04Z ERR error="gzip: invalid header" root@dalek:/tmp/clair-reproducer# file updaters.gz updaters.gz: gzip compressed data, was "updaters", last modified: Fri Sep 9 11:34:12 2022, from Unix, original size modulo 2^32 1024442674
Please check!
- is related to
PROJQUAY-4783 Update to Clair 4.5.1
- Closed