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  1. Project Quay
  2. PROJQUAY-424

Add a section on how to access Quay API with Acces tokens


    • Ilum [Quay 176]

      Red Hat Quay 2.9

      Please add a section on how to generate a OAuth token and use that to make a sample API call.


      Something similar on these lines

      "To access Quay through its API , you can follow the steps below:

      1) On your Organization space go to "Applications" on the icons' tab standing in the left side of the page.

      2) Create an application by simple clicking on the "+Create New Application" icon and typing a name for the application; After that you will be able to enter the new created application and customized it. For now you can go directly to the icon, on the left side again, name "Generate Token". Here you  manage the permissions you want to grant and then click "Generate Access Token" at the bottom

      3) Another tab will be open with the new Access Token which then can be used on the:

      export QUAY_TOKEN='<token-given-from-the-step-above>'

      curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $QUAY_TOKEN" -X GET https://Quayhostname/api/v1/<some-call> -H "Content-type: application/json""

              cnegus@redhat.com Chris Negus (Inactive)
              rhn-support-dgangaia Dixit Gangaiah (Inactive)
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