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  1. Project Quay
  2. PROJQUAY-4219

Copy repositories between namespaces


    • Icon: Story Story
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • quay, quay-self-service
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • 0

      As an administrator of Quay I would like to be able to copy full repositories between namespaces (users and/or organizations).

      Potential Use Cases:

      • Users of quay.io who start on one namespace may need to relocate their content to a new namespace (because of acquisition, reorganization, etc).
      • On-prem Quay administrators who need to move content between namespaces because of organization/strategic changes.

      Non-Use Cases:

      • Keeping a 'mirror' or synchronized copy of tags between organizations. Repo mirroring should be used for this.
      • "Moving" of content- we should only copy content and not be responsible for the actual movement itself (e.g. after the copy a separate deletion should be done on source if desired).

      Additional Details:

      • Copying should be done a repository at a time.  Optionally, a tag pattern (similar to repo mirroring) may be applied to filter the images being copied.
      • Copying of a repository is not an atomic activity- any interruptions during the copy may leave the destination with a subset of the source images. The copy operation should clearly report how many images have been copied successfully from source to destination so the administrator can confirm success or failure of the entire operation.
      • The Copy operation is only intended for Superusers- it is not intended for regular Quay users.
      • Superusers will need to have full access to Quay content enabled to perform this activity (default Superuser model should not work since we want to allow copying directly into a user account as well as an Organization).
      • Copy actions need to be logged into the Action logs (create a new 'kind_id") so we can audit when this is done.
      • For quay.io this functionality should be placed within the Service Tool so only authorized admins can access it.
      • For RH Quay this functionality should be placed within the Superuser console.


            Unassigned Unassigned
            bdettelb@redhat.com Bill Dettelback
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