Resolution: Done
Clients expect signed schema 1 manifests to contain a signature with the key ID in the correct format. We currently pass the automatically generated key ID which is just a hash of characters.
This causes errors in clients that try to pull signed schema 1 manifests that are generated by Quay - when creating tags through the UI or manifest conversions.
The expected format of the Key ID can be found here: https://docs.docker.com/registry/spec/auth/jwt/
How to reproduce:
- Have a running instance of Quay
- Use skopeo to push an image as a Docker V2 Schema 1 manifest
skopeo copy --dest-creds='user:pass' --dest-tls-verify=false --format=v2s1 docker://docker.io/library/nginx:latest docker://localhost:8080/quayadmin/nginx:latest
- In the Quay console, go to the image that has been pushed and add another tag
- Try to pull image with the new tag
- podman pull --tls-verify=false localhost:8080/quayadmin/nginx:new-tag
- Image pull will fail with the following error: "unmarshalling public key: JWK RSA Public Key ID does not match"