Resolution: Done
This is an issue found of Quay 3.7.0 Operator, when add env variable to scale down the quay, clair, mirror POD to 0, later scale up the quay, clair. mirror deployment, hit error message "invalid overrides: cannot override replicas with managed HPA""
Quay image: quay-operator-bundle-container-v3.7.0-24
Quay OperatorPOD logs:
apiVersion: quay.redhat.com/v1 kind: QuayRegistry metadata: creationTimestamp: '2022-03-08T02:51:01Z' finalizers: - quay-operator/finalizer generation: 7 managedFields: - apiVersion: quay.redhat.com/v1 fieldsType: FieldsV1 fieldsV1: 'f:spec': .: {} 'f:components': {} 'f:configBundleSecret': {} manager: Mozilla operation: Update time: '2022-03-08T02:51:01Z' - apiVersion: quay.redhat.com/v1 fieldsType: FieldsV1 fieldsV1: 'f:metadata': 'f:finalizers': .: {} 'v:"quay-operator/finalizer"': {} 'f:spec': 'f:configBundleSecret': {} 'f:status': .: {} 'f:conditions': {} 'f:configEditorCredentialsSecret': {} 'f:configEditorEndpoint': {} 'f:currentVersion': {} 'f:lastUpdated': {} 'f:registryEndpoint': {} manager: manager operation: Update time: '2022-03-08T02:51:57Z' name: demo370 namespace: quay370-3055 resourceVersion: '178790385' uid: bbdd92ff-bb79-4046-ac6d-a7f0a8468fe1 spec: components: - kind: base managed: true overrides: env: - name: DEBUGLOG value: 'true' - name: WORKER_COUNT_WEB value: '20' replicas: 2 - kind: clair managed: true overrides: replicas: 2 - kind: postgres managed: true - kind: objectstorage managed: true - kind: redis managed: true - kind: horizontalpodautoscaler managed: true - kind: route managed: true - kind: mirror managed: true overrides: replicas: 2 - kind: monitoring managed: false - kind: tls managed: true - kind: clairpostgres managed: true configBundleSecret: demo370-config-bundle-ftqtg status: conditions: - lastTransitionTime: '2022-03-08T02:51:08Z' lastUpdateTime: '2022-03-08T10:17:50Z' message: Horizontal pod autoscaler found reason: ComponentReady status: 'True' type: ComponentHPAReady - lastTransitionTime: '2022-03-08T02:51:08Z' lastUpdateTime: '2022-03-08T10:17:50Z' message: Route admitted reason: ComponentReady status: 'True' type: ComponentRouteReady - lastTransitionTime: '2022-03-08T02:51:01Z' lastUpdateTime: '2022-03-08T10:17:50Z' message: Monitoring not managed by the operator reason: ComponentNotManaged status: 'True' type: ComponentMonitoringReady - lastTransitionTime: '2022-03-08T02:51:45Z' lastUpdateTime: '2022-03-08T10:17:50Z' message: Deployment demo370-quay-database healthy reason: ComponentReady status: 'True' type: ComponentPostgresReady - lastTransitionTime: '2022-03-08T02:51:25Z' lastUpdateTime: '2022-03-08T10:17:50Z' message: Object bucket claim bound reason: ComponentReady status: 'True' type: ComponentObjectStorageReady - lastTransitionTime: '2022-03-08T02:51:45Z' lastUpdateTime: '2022-03-08T10:17:50Z' message: Clair component healthy reason: ComponentReady status: 'True' type: ComponentClairReady - lastTransitionTime: '2022-03-08T02:51:25Z' lastUpdateTime: '2022-03-08T10:17:50Z' message: ClairPostgres component healthy reason: ComponentReady status: 'True' type: ComponentClairPostgresReady - lastTransitionTime: '2022-03-08T02:51:01Z' lastUpdateTime: '2022-03-08T10:17:50Z' message: Using cluster wildcard certs reason: ComponentReady status: 'True' type: ComponentTLSReady - lastTransitionTime: '2022-03-08T02:51:25Z' lastUpdateTime: '2022-03-08T10:17:50Z' message: Deployment demo370-quay-redis healthy reason: ComponentReady status: 'True' type: ComponentRedisReady - lastTransitionTime: '2022-03-08T02:54:00Z' lastUpdateTime: '2022-03-08T10:17:50Z' message: Base component healthy reason: ComponentReady status: 'True' type: ComponentBaseReady - lastTransitionTime: '2022-03-08T02:54:00Z' lastUpdateTime: '2022-03-08T10:17:50Z' message: Deployment demo370-quay-mirror healthy reason: ComponentReady status: 'True' type: ComponentMirrorReady - lastTransitionTime: '2022-03-08T02:54:00Z' lastUpdateTime: '2022-03-08T10:17:50Z' message: All components reporting as healthy reason: HealthChecksPassing status: 'True' type: Available - lastTransitionTime: '2022-03-08T02:51:45Z' lastUpdateTime: '2022-03-08T02:51:45Z' message: All registry components created reason: ComponentsCreationSuccess status: 'True' type: ComponentsCreated - lastTransitionTime: '2022-03-08T10:17:50Z' lastUpdateTime: '2022-03-08T10:17:50Z' message: 'invalid overrides: cannot override replicas with managed HPA' reason: ComponentOverrideInvalid status: 'True' type: RolloutBlocked configEditorCredentialsSecret: demo370-quay-config-editor-credentials-hkm7hgb94g configEditorEndpoint: >- https://demo370-quay-config-editor-quay370-3055.apps.quay-perf-796.perfscale.devcluster.openshift.com currentVersion: 3.7.0 lastUpdated: '2022-03-08 10:17:50.120704783 +0000 UTC' registryEndpoint: >- https://demo370-quay-quay370-3055.apps.quay-perf-796.perfscale.devcluster.openshift.com
- Deploy Quay Operator under single OCP namespace
- Deploy Quay with Quay Operator, choose to all managed component except monitoring component
- After quayregistry in healthy status, add override env variables to quay, mirror, clair, set replicas to 0
- wait until the POD number of quay,mirror,clair is 0
- wait for more than 30 mins
- Update Quayregistry CR to set override env variables, now set the replicas of quay,mirorr,clair to 2
- Wait Quay Operator to reconcile the change
Expected Results:
Quay Operator should set the replicas of quay,clair,mirror deployments to 2, and new PODs are provisioning and come to ready status.
Actual Results:
Quay Operator can't reconcile the change, report error message "invalid overrides: cannot override replicas with managed HPA""
- is related to
PROJQUAY-7589 Scale down replica failed with "invalid overrides: cannot override replicas with managed HPA"
- Closed