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  1. Project Quay
  2. PROJQUAY-3108

Document backup/restore requirements for Quay - non-Operator


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • None
    • None
    • documentation

      Non-operator backup/restore here


      Quay is completely deployed on VMs

      a) for VM deployments: config bundle directory (directory that bind mounts to /conf/stack), full DB backup, full blob storage backup (if public cloud storage is used, this may not be needed since Azure, AWS and Google have a bunch of policies that disallow removal of buckets)


      Restore procedure (we will assume everything's lost):
      a) VM deployment:

      • create a new database in the database engine and create the pg_trgm extension on that database
      • restore the Quay database from backup with psql
      • create a new blob storage bucket and copy all blobs to the bucket from backup with the appropriate tool (such as s3cmd, awscli, azure)
      • restore the config bundle directory from storage. Edit the DB_URI inside the config.yaml file so it references the new database instance (if needed). Edit the storage parameters (new bucket name, new host, new credentials) if needed.
      • start the same version of Quay as it was run before the incident against the restored config bundle
      • if Quay restarts normally and UI logon and push/pull works, rescale Quay back to the original number.


            rhn-support-stevsmit Steven Smith
            rhn-support-gmcgoldr Gabriel McGoldrick
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
