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  1. Project Quay
  2. PROJQUAY-2824

Upgrades to 3.6.1 are broken in OpenShift 4.6


      Upgrades to version 3.6.1 are broken in 4.6 clusters. After upgrading the following is logged by the operator:

      spec.template.spec.volumes[1].projected: Forbidden: may not specify m
      ore than 1 volume type

      This problem was introduced by this change. When a Patch operation is executed the actual patch is not executed by the client but it is delegated to the kubernetes API instead.

      When adding a "projected" property to a volume that already contains a "secret" entry the latter is not removed, thus generating a volume with both "projected" and "secret" entries (this is invalid, the volume is either a secret/configmap or a projection of multiple secrets/configmaps).


      Acceptance criteria

      • Upgrades work in 4.6 release
      • Upgrades work in 4.7 release
      • Test cases exist for upgrades in all supported OpenShift releases (QE Team)



      Working quay instances most likely will continue to work with the old deployment, as a workaround users can patch clair-app deployment and:

      1. remove the volume "certs"
      2. remove the volumeMount "certs"
      3. scale down the operator
      4. scale up the operator

      This will trigger a reconcile and everything should get back to normal.


              rmarasch@redhat.com Ricardo Maraschini
              rmarasch@redhat.com Ricardo Maraschini
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              4 Start watching this issue
