Resolution: Done
Quay Enterprise
Description of problem:
Quay operator does not show unhealthy status for managed redis component
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
- Index image v4.5: registry-proxy.engineering.redhat.com/rh-osbs/iib:99038
- Index image v4.6: registry-proxy.engineering.redhat.com/rh-osbs/iib:99039
- Index image v4.7: registry-proxy.engineering.redhat.com/rh-osbs/iib:99046
- Index image v4.8: registry-proxy.engineering.redhat.com/rh-osbs/iib:99052
- registry-proxy.engineering.redhat.com/rh-osbs/quay-quay-operator-rhel8@sha256:a36dfd94f41997aec2d2436f2d4a6aaca7615b52cc291592aff6f34a623370d6
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Install quay operator via olm
2. Create quayregistry with all managed components
3. Delete redis deployment, check quayregistry status
4. recover deployment, delete redis service, check quayregistry status
5. recover service, delete redis serviceaccount, check quayregistry status
Actual results:
do not show unhealthy status
$ oc describe quayregistries.quay.redhat.com Name: test Namespace: dyan-test Labels: <none> Annotations: <none> API Version: quay.redhat.com/v1 Kind: QuayRegistry Metadata: Creation Timestamp: 2021-08-23T10:00:22Z Finalizers: quay-operator/finalizer Generation: 3 Managed Fields: API Version: quay.redhat.com/v1 Fields Type: FieldsV1 fieldsV1: f:spec: .: f:components: f:configBundleSecret: Manager: Mozilla Operation: Update Time: 2021-08-23T10:00:22Z API Version: quay.redhat.com/v1 Fields Type: FieldsV1 fieldsV1: f:metadata: f:finalizers: .: v:"quay-operator/finalizer": f:spec: f:components: f:configBundleSecret: f:status: .: f:conditions: f:configEditorCredentialsSecret: f:configEditorEndpoint: f:currentVersion: f:lastUpdated: f:registryEndpoint: f:unhealthyComponents: Manager: manager Operation: Update Time: 2021-08-23T10:15:22Z Resource Version: 248241 UID: 134b963b-14cd-48d1-aae3-93b7c8132ac3 Spec: Components: Kind: postgres Managed: true Kind: objectstorage Managed: true Kind: redis Managed: true Kind: horizontalpodautoscaler Managed: true Kind: route Managed: true Kind: mirror Managed: true Kind: monitoring Managed: true Kind: tls Managed: true Kind: clair Managed: true Config Bundle Secret: test-config-bundle-sk55j Status: Conditions: Last Transition Time: 2021-08-23T10:01:31Z Last Update Time: 2021-08-23T10:01:31Z Message: all registry component healthchecks passing Reason: HealthChecksPassing Status: True Type: Available Last Transition Time: 2021-08-23T10:01:42Z Last Update Time: 2021-08-23T10:01:42Z Message: all objects created/updated successfully Reason: ComponentsCreationSuccess Status: False Type: RolloutBlocked Config Editor Credentials Secret: test-quay-config-editor-credentials-96d87bh568 Config Editor Endpoint: https://test-quay-config-editor-dyan-test.router-default.apps.dyan823.qe.devcluster.openshift.com Current Version: 3.6.0 Last Updated: 2021-08-23 10:01:42.850299866 +0000 UTC Registry Endpoint: https://test-quay-dyan-test.router-default.apps.dyan823.qe.devcluster.openshift.com Unhealthy Components: Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Normal MigrationsInProgress 28m quayregistry-controller running database migrations Normal HealthChecksPassing 28m quayregistry-controller all registry component healthchecks passing Normal ComponentsCreationSuccess 28m (x3 over 29m) quayregistry-controller all objects created/updated successfully
Expected results:
should show unhealthy status
Additional info:
- blocks
PROJQUAY-1609 Operator communicates status per managed component
- Closed