Uploaded image for project: 'Project Quay'
  1. Project Quay
  2. PROJQUAY-2152

Notifications sent by the notifier from Clair to Quay are not working with 400 Bad Request


    • False
    • False
    • Quay Enterprise
    • Undefined

      Notifications sent by the notifier from Clair to Quay are not working: {"level":"error","component":"notifier/service/Init","component":"notifier/service/webhookInit","deliverer":"webhook","id":3,"component":"notifier/delivery/Delivery.deliver","error":"failed to deliver notification: code: 400 status 400 Bad Request","time":"2021-06-10T14:10:09Z","time":"2021-06-10T14:10:09Z","message":"encountered error on tick"}

      Communication between Quay and Clair {"level":"info","component":"httptransport/New","remote_addr":"","method":"GET","request_uri":"/indexer/api/v1/index_state","status":200,"time":"2021-06-14T14:54:16Z","message":"handled HTTP request"}

      Manifests are being fetched and indexed
      { "level": "info", "component": "internal/indexer/controller/Controller.Index", "manifest": "sha256:e1e182f9da561959fb023f762bbfc4a4aa019e6cda426c9dbf4fbedc96b2bf47", "state": "FetchLayers", "time": "2021-06-14T14:51:17Z", "message": "layers fetch start"
      { "level": "info", "component": "internal/indexer/controller/Controller.Index", "manifest": "sha256:e1e182f9da561959fb023f762bbfc4a4aa019e6cda426c9dbf4fbedc96b2bf47", "state": "IndexFinished", "time": "2021-06-14T14:51:18Z", "message": "manifest successfully scanned"

        1. quay-secret.yaml
          15 kB
          Sayali Bhavsar
        2. quay-config
          3 kB
          Devon Shumaker
        3. quay-clair-secret.yaml
          4 kB
          Sayali Bhavsar
        4. quay-app.yaml
          9 kB
          Sayali Bhavsar
        5. quay.log
          13.93 MB
          Sayali Bhavsar
        6. clair-config.yaml
          2 kB
          Sayali Bhavsar
        7. clair-config
          2 kB
          Devon Shumaker
        8. clair-app-describe.op
          4 kB
          Sayali Bhavsar
        9. clair.log
          816 kB
          Sayali Bhavsar

            hdonnay Henry Donnay
            rhn-support-sbhavsar Sayali Bhavsar
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
