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  1. Project Quay
  2. PROJQUAY-1526

Quay documents not guide how to configure builders on Openshift


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      This is documents issue found in the following quay V3.4 docs, at the steps of setting up builder, it doesn't add section of how to configure builder on Openshift Baremtal Cluster. pls refer to https://docs.projectquay.io/use_quay.html#_troubleshooting_builds

      Docs: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_quay/3.4/html-single/use_red_hat_quay/index?lb_target=stage#setting-up-builders 

      See section "OpenShift Routes Limitation":

      OpenShift Routes LimitationNOTEThis section only applies if you are using the Quay Operator on OpenShift with managed route component.Due to a limitation of OpenShift Routes to only be able to serve traffic to a single port, additional steps are required to set up builds. Ensure that your kubectl or oc CLI tool is configured to work with the cluster where the Quay Operator is installed and that your QuayRegistry exists (not necessarily the same as the bare metal cluster where your builders run).Ensure that HTTP/2 ingress is enabled on the OpenShift cluster by following these steps.The Quay Operator will create a Route which directs gRPC traffic to the build manager server running inside the existing Quay pod(s). If you want to use a custom hostname (such as a subdomain like builder.registry.example.com), ensure that you create a CNAME record with your DNS provider which points to the status.ingress[0].host of the created Route:$ kubectl get -n <namespace> route <quayregistry-name>-quay-builder -o jsonpath={.status.ingress[0].host}Using the OpenShift UI or CLI, update the Secret referenced by spec.configBundleSecret of the QuayRegistry with the build cluster CA certificate (name the key extra_ca_cert_build_cluster.cert), and update the config.yaml entry with the correct values referenced in the builder config above (depending on your build executor) along with the BUILDMAN_HOSTNAME field:BUILD_MANAGER:
      - ephemeral
        ORCHESTRATOR_PREFIX: buildman/production/
          REDIS_HOST: quay-redis-host
          REDIS_PASSWORD: quay-redis-password
          REDIS_SSL: true
        - EXECUTOR: kubernetes
          BUILDER_NAMESPACE: builder
          BUILDMAN_HOSTNAME: <build-manager-hostname>
          ...The extra configuration field is explained below:BUILDMAN_HOSTNAMEThe externally accessible server hostname which the build jobs use to communicate back to the build manager. Default is the same as SERVER_HOSTNAME. For OpenShift Route, it is either status.ingress[0].host or the CNAME entry if using a custom hostname. BUILDMAN_HOSTNAME needs to include the port number, e.g somehost:443 for Openshift Route, as the gRPC client used to communicate with the build manager does not infer any port if omitted.



            rhn-support-stevsmit Steven Smith
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