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  1. Project Quay
  2. PROJQUAY-1342

Quay config editor doesn't validate OIDC Provider


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      This is an issue found when use Quay Config editor to configure OIDC provider, after add new OIDC provider, input correct OIDC Server, but give invalid Client_ID and Secret, and without uploading required self-signed SSL Cert, click "Validation configuration changes", the validation still passed, actually quay config editor should report correct error message to warn users that the OIDC configuration is not correct, see the screenshot attached.

      Quay Image:

      lizhang@lzha-mac quay3.4 % oc get pod quay1126-quay-config-editor-5955bd645f-28p2h -o json | jq '.spec.containers[0].image'



      1. Deploy Quay V3.4.0 with TNG operator
      2. Open quay config editor
      3. At "External Authorization (OAuth)", add new OIDC Provider, give a valid name, like "Redhat SSO"
      4. Input correct OIDC Server, invalid Client_ID and Secret
      5. Click "Validation configuration changes"
      6. Check Validation results

      Expected Results:

      Validation configuration should be failed with correct error message.

      Actual Results:

      Validation configuration was passed.

            jonathankingfc Jonathan King
            lzha1981 luffy zhang
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