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  1. Project Quay
  2. PROJQUAY-1269

Quay mirror image repository was failed caused by not found latest tag from source image repository


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      This is an issue found when use quay to mirror image repository, when the source image repository doesn't have latest tag, the mirror was failed, quay report error message "
      Mirror finished unsuccessfully for 'quay.io/quay/clair' with tag pattern '': ("skopeo inspect failed: No matching tags, including 'latest', to inspect for tags list", '', 'time="2020-11-11T03:47:08Z" level=fatal msg="Error parsing image name

      ": Error reading manifest latest in quay.io/quay/clair: manifest unknown: manifest unknown"\n')
      ",see attached screenshot.

      Note: Quay should support to mirror image repository whether it has latest tag or not.

      Quay Image:

      lizhang@lzha-mac quay3.4 % oc get pod quaysmtp-quay-app-57dd7dcbf8-zh8h4 -o json | jq '.spec.containers[0].image'



      1. Deploy Quay with TNG Operator with all default settings
      2. Login Quay
      3. Create new image repository and set to Mirror status
      4. Configure the mirror to external image repository without having latest tag
      5. Click "Sync Now"
      6. Check Mirror results

      Expected Results:

      The Mirror operation was failed, report error "skopeo inspect failed: No matching tags, including 'latest', to inspect for tags list"

      Actual Results:

      The mirror operation should complete successfully.

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