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  1. PicketLink
  2. PLINK-335

Fire event right after the PartitionManager is built to allow customs initialization logic


    • Icon: Enhancement Enhancement
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • PLINK_2.5.3.Beta1
    • PLINK_2.5.2.FInal
    • BASE
    • None

      An event should be fired right after the PartitionManager instance is built during the application startup.

      Users can observe this event to provide any initialization logic in order to get any required identity data initialized before producing partition manager instances. Including creating partitions.

      Also, PicketLink should not create the default partition during the startup if an observer of this event has already created partitions.

              psilva@redhat.com Pedro Igor Craveiro
              psilva@redhat.com Pedro Igor Craveiro
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