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  1. PicketLink
  2. PLINK-311

Provide to the LDAP store a configuration that allows to specify the hierarchy search depth


    • Icon: Feature Request Feature Request
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • PLINK_2.5.3.Beta1
    • PLINK_2.5.2.FInal
    • IDM
    • None

      Currently the LDAP store supports mapping the hierarchy for a specific type as follows:

          .objectClasses("group").attribute("name", "cn", true)
          .readOnlyAttribute("createdDate", "whenCreated")
          .parentMembershipAttributeName("member") // hierarchy configuration, using the member attribute to hold a reference to child entries

      Given that some LDAP trees have deep hierarchies, we need a configuration that allows to specify the search depth when returning the type and its parents:

          .objectClasses("group").attribute("name", "cn", true)
          .readOnlyAttribute("createdDate", "whenCreated")
          .parentMembershipAttributeName("member") // hierarchy configuration, using the member attribute to hold a reference to child entries
          .hierarchySearchDepth(4) // only for levels will be retrieved.

      We can make this option defaults to 3.

              psilva@redhat.com Pedro Igor Craveiro
              psilva@redhat.com Pedro Igor Craveiro
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              1 Start watching this issue
