Resolution: Unresolved
- Aim for overall consistency in look and style
- Move to pills from tabs everywhere
- Make only the tables horizontally scrollable (if needed), not the tab
- incorporates
PLANNER-419 Benchmark report: switching statistic "tabs" in the summary above the images doesn't update the buttons below
- Open
- is blocked by
PLANNER-439 Use WebJars from Maven Central instead of local copies for JavaScript libraries on optaplanner-benchmark
- Open
- is related to
PLANNER-439 Use WebJars from Maven Central instead of local copies for JavaScript libraries on optaplanner-benchmark
- Open
PLANNER-418 Benchmark report: Differentiate the buttons for "CSV files per solver"
- Open
- relates to
PLANNER-401 Statistical benchmarking: run each single benchmark n times and average the results
- Resolved