Resolution: Won't Do
Solver Manager
The Solver deliberately doesn't do any thread creation. It just provides the low-level tread-safe methods such as terminateEarly() and addProblemFactChange(pfc).
The SolverManager will be a wrapper that does do thread management to add the following functionality.
Phase 1:
- It manages the thread pool with the internal solver threads.
- It exposes the solver status (not started, solving, terminate early, stopped, etc) to external threads.
- It exposes the best solution (and the best score) to the external threads.
- It support adding problem fact changes
- Thread safe
- Graceful shutdown See
PLANNER-534 - Exception handling and reporting: Don't eat an exception (for example thrown by a custom score calculator), but instead relay it to the external threads when they ask for something.
- Pluggable thread management: Reuse managed ExecutorService from wildfly/EAP so the thread pool size can be controlled through JMX.
Phase 2 and later
- Handle a solver will itself spawns multiple threads. For example an 8 pool thread with 2 solvers each doing a 4-threaded Partitioned Search is already full...
- Multitenancy load balancing: Running 10 solver datasets with 8 cores will only run 8 in parallel and round-robin swap out the other 2 (if desired, alternatively it starts 10 threads and let the JVM do the round-robining).
- it can run 100 solvers simultaneously on an 8 core machine but still only saturate 6 cores (if configured for that behavior),
by injecting a runnableThreadSemaphore in each solver with a runnableSolverThreadLimit = 6.
I've already done that trick for PartitionedSearch and that works like a charm
- it can run 100 solvers simultaneously on an 8 core machine but still only saturate 6 cores (if configured for that behavior),
- Fail-over: threads can die
- High Availability? Horizontal scaling across multiple nodes.
- Load balancing?
SolverManager should be reusable by camel-optaplanner, mule-optaplanner, optaplanner-execution-server, ...
Strawman api proposal
interface SolverManager { Long addSolver(optional KieContainer, String solverConfigPath); // returns a solverId boolean removeSolver(Long solverId); boolean solveAsync(Long solverId, Solution planningProblem, optional callback); Solution getBestSolution(Long solverId); SolverStatus getSolverStatus(Long solverId); boolean terminateEarly(Long solverId); boolean addProblemFactChange(Long solverId, ProblemFactChange); ... }
Discussions document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16gZZUuxufjG4NLAS-FdLm9Rquhc0TrSespXJeddX5Xk/edit?usp=sharing
- is duplicated by
PLANNER-242 Multi-tenant and clustering: high level support
- Resolved