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  1. OptaPlanner
  2. PLANNER-2624

Benchmarker on Quarkus inherits phase configs


      When I use optaplanner-benchmark on Quarkus, it correctly inherits the solver config.
      Unfortunately, it also inherits all the phases from this config, leading to the following situation.

      Assume that the original solver config has a construction heuristic A and local search B.
      Further assume that the benchmark XML wants a construction heuristic C and local search D to be benchmarked.

      What happens: the benchmark will create a solver config that has both A, B, C and D. And because B has no termination, C and D will be silently ignored and never reached.

      What should happen: only C and D are in the resulting solver config that the benchmark will run.

              cchianel Christopher Chianelli (Inactive)
              lpetrovi@redhat.com Lukáš Petrovický (Inactive)
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