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  1. OptaPlanner
  2. PLANNER-2201

Replace kie-parent in OptaWeb POMs with something else


      KIE parent tries to managed and align too many dependencies making it sometimes impossible to upgrade a dependency without breaking any KIE project.

      OptaPlanner already stopped using KIE parent and replaced it with jboss-parent. The useful stuff from kie-parent went to optaplanner-build-parent, which does dependency management for all optaplanner modules and contains most of the plugins (like enforcer, revapi, jacoco, etc.) to keep the build features that KIE parent provided.

      We should do the same with OptaWebs. Since these projects are productized, we need to keep the KIE parent build plugins and check with the release team to make sure that OptaWebs are releasable and can be productized without KIE parent.

      When it comes to dependency management, that should be left to the platform, which is currently Spring Boot and will be Quarkus in the near future. Alternatively OptaWebs can have dependencies managed by optaplanner-build-parent for a tighter alignment.

              cchianel Christopher Chianelli (Inactive)
              jlocker Jiří Locker (Inactive)
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