Resolution: Done
XCMSTRAT-163 - OCM and product overview pages for improving awareness and navigation
PM review completed Oct 9 by rhn-engineering-abhgupta & spurtell1@redhat.com in the morning OCM PM meeting.
Content review process - Allison is looking over the wording by EOD Oct 9.
Final review Oct 10 - Ready for implementation
Link to selection in Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/yTlSGclvhUTGtEthrlvkAO/Joy's-copy---OCM-overview-and-dashboard-experience?type=design&node-id=248%3A19196&mode=design&t=1gKT9kVBviIs8dDM-1
The designs are not pixel-perfect since we have a pretty mature framework around it - reach out to Joy if you need any measurements specifically for a component.
Analytics: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C3pk-mM0-aPQAHWtG3a8kxTnd_0hSC5SIbhhYC0Nq5w/edit?usp=sharing
Note: Overview will not have a different Day 0 and Day 1 page. The information on the page and in the details pages will be static for now.
With https://issues.redhat.com/browse/HAC-3735 delivered, the OCM left navigation contains an Overview item which displays different content when the organization has 0 clusters (Day 0) and when there are already clusters present (Day 1).
The current Day 1 content is really a Dashboard. And the current Day 0 content is an Overview that provides links to information and 3 featured OpenShift products.
The goal of the parent Epic is to have separate Overview and Dashboard pages that each have Day 0 and Day 1 versions.
The scope for this design Story is to:
- Provide the design for Overview Day 1. There is an existing design for this here but we need to confirm if it is still what is wanted from PM and if there are any unresolved questions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-ddY3C9WJP063shYNFgCDi7DFckfI54bWrzDE_epZcQ/edit#heading=h.pd4o1685nmxl
- Expand the design for both versions of the Overview page to link to 6 featured OpenShift products.
- Determine what the left nav should look like in order to provide both Overview and Dashboard pages
- blocks
OCMUI-35 Implement Overview Day 1 and introduce Dashboard
- Closed
- is related to
PD-1424 OCM Navigation updates
- Closed
PD-1414 [ROSA] 'Getting started' page
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PD-1555 UX content: OpenShift bundle (OCM) "overview" or "landing" page
- Closed
- relates to
PD-1490 Generic outline of a (day 0) service landing/overview page that appears on console.redhat.com
- Closed