Resolution: Done
- Subscription settings are not conducive to users making a connection between their evaluation expiring and the action of subscribing on the clusters list.
- Our goal is to encourage and enable users to make informed subscription decisions.
- Investigate:
- what information we can provide to create context around how many active subs users have available per type
- can we provide insight if subscribing this cluster will land you under or over your threshold
- do you need to buy more to accommodate this cluster?
- There are 1981 unclassified clusters. Having clusters in an unclassified state means that Red Hat does not understand what Custom Global Customer Name (GCN) the cluster is associated with. This limits Red Hat’s ability to engage with the owner of the cluster in a meaningful way which decreases chances of revenue generation, retention, and customer success.
- There are several scenarios by which these unclassified clusters can occur.
- This story's focus it to encourage customers with existing subscriptions to convert their eval to a supported one.
- Shiri did a lot of work in this area pre Summit 2021 so worth connecting with her as well
- There is a short term story to enhance the modal today without any API changes
- Leverage the eval status both on the clusters list and the cluster details
- If the cluster is connected to an account and has an active subscription we will default to the Subscribe option. (Configuring subscription settings requires an active OpenShift subscription)
- For the edit subscription modal:
- Provide the necessary cluster information so users know what cluster they are subscribing
- Investigate what information we can provide to create context around how many active subs do they have available per type? Can we provide insight if subscribing this cluster will land you under or over your threshold? Do you need to buy more to accommodate this cluster?
- Identify any other gaps we could be missing.
- Slide deck: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1GJMATzWvLO7UA91dg49lGRXN6K2hxyu5bCHDPCbm97I/edit#slide=id.ge8ef82f34f_0_0
- Sketch files: https://sketch.com/s/3da04dc4-b859-42ca-96f5-85629d0b84b1
- Subscription Management doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zZrsjAKAKzczKiYqGMXhplrlC64j8ruO2Z2XGORpffY/edit#heading=h.aw8k2akkj0bv
- Additional docs related to subscriptions in OCM: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Mg1Xw6xC2ns2YYN476hrz3zjlmsaD9N-_G3wqvhTjig/edit#heading=h.m6aljmc0ua1g
* Old subscription page mockups with future ideas: https://marvelapp.com/prototype/9g1h219/screen/78316618
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