Resolution: Done
UXD Sprint 207, UXD Sprint 208
- Document the custom component as it exits inside of OpenShift today (list views, cards, graphs, tooltips/feedback).
- Connect with Patternfly (Matt Carrano) to identify if there is a need across teams and if it is something we can contribute to PF. Patternfly does have guidance, but does not offer a component? It would be good to understand more about that background:
- Here is a doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19gY0HRI-etNVsDQPL0IOsBuBohkXP9us7kBAaW7HrFw/edit
- Here is PF documentation: https://www.patternfly.org/v4/ux-writing/numerics/
- Think about design changes that may be needed across teams to align.
As a part of the custom component doc, we are identifying and documenting custom components to encourage more consistency across products in a single unified console context:
- Prevent CSS conflicts introduced from dynamic plugins between products
- Become completely Patternfly native and make Patternfly the best design system
- Unification of different products/services becomes easier
Additionally timestamp will become a part of user preferences - see mock ups here. See language and region tab: https://marvelapp.com/prototype/9g695hj How will changing to UTC affect the tooltip? Should we show local time?
Megan took a look at this awhile back: https://www.sketch.com/s/7a65c627-bdfe-4a20-a871-06f50cce03a9
We have received feedback that the globe icon just sort of takes up space and is from the CoreOS acquisition. The tooltip does not activate over the icon - just the plain text. It is also not obvious that there will be a tooltip interaction.
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