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  1. OpenShift Over the Air
  2. OTA-511

Targeted Edge Blocking - TE Tracker


      As a CEE associate[s]/organization, I want to know about new features and how these new features impacts customers, as well as how they (customers) interact with it. We also want to know about the features development, how it was tested (or how we plan to test it), and how it is documented (or how we plan to document it).

      CEE needs a new feature technical enablement overview (slide deck, pre-created: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1YwXict8PKsXCNbZR8YJVysNIgi1nRx85HQelju5Oba8/edit?usp=drivesdk),
      that outlines, what "Targeted Edge Blocking" (feature or set of features) are/is being delivered.
      CEE endevors to understand how we are testing, and how we are documenting the subject, so please coordinate with the proper functional teams to complete this effort (it is part of the definition of DONE).


      Important Considerations:

      • Additional details on how to troubleshoot or debug this component/feature, should be a focal point.
      • Note: all efforts you put in here, ultimately go's to reducing the LOE needed to traiage and work bugs,
        as CEE will be more prepared, and better equipped when filing issues, or addressing customer cases.

      More Details:
      For more information please see: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-EjXidVHA4hB2XezuObfb7LY9xhLEIHijxIsj_ocQfw/edit#


      • All functions have the slide deck created by feature complete, so that CEE have them provided for review (to test/explore with nightly builds).

          There are no Sub-Tasks for this issue.

              trking W. Trevor King
              rhn-support-edrich Eric Rich
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
