Resolution: Unresolved
OTA 233, OTA 263, OTA 264, OTA 265, OTA 266, OTA 267, OTA 268
The ClusterVersionOperator API has been introduced in the DevPreviewNoUpgrade feature set. Enable the CVO in standalone OpenShift to change its log level based on the new API.
Definition of Done:
- New DevPreviewNoUpgrade manifests are introduced in the OCP payload
- The CVO is correctly reconciling the new CR and all of its new fields
- The CVO is changing its log level based on the log level in the new API
- blocks
OTA-1403 Create e2e test/s to ensure that the CVO is correctly reconciling the new configuration API in standalone
- In Progress
- is blocked by
OTA-1029 Enhancement proposal to allow changing the log level of CVO using API configuration
- Closed
- relates to
OTA-414 Skip printing throttling messages from client-go in CVO
- Closed
- links to
(10 links to)