Resolution: Done
OCPSTRAT-1850 - OCP Update Recommend command to improve update experience -Tech Preview
OTA 260
We currently show all the recommended updates in decreasing order with --include-not-recommended to see all the updates-with-assessed-risks in decreasing order. But sometimes users want to update to the longest-hop, even if there are known risks. Or they want to read about the assessed risks, in case there's something they can do to their cluster to mitigate a currently-assessed risk before kicking off the update. This ticket is about adjusting oc's output to order roughly by release freshness. For example, for a 4.y cluster in a 4.(y+1) channel:
- 4.(y+1).tip
- 4.y.tip
- 4.(y+1).(tip-1)
- 4.y.(tip-1)
Because users are more likely to care about 4.(y+1).tip, even if it has assessed risks, than they are to care about 4.y.reallyOld, even if it doesn't have assessed risks.
Show some number of these by default, and then use --show-outdated-versions or similar to see all the results.
See Scott here and me in OTA-902 both pitching something in this space.
Blocked on OTA-1271, because that will give us a fresh, tech-preview subcommand, where we can iterate without worrying about breaking existing users, until we're happy enough to GA the new approach.
For example, on 4.12.16 in fast-4.13, oc adm upgrade will currently show between 23 and 91 recommended updates (depending on your exposure to declared update risks):
cincinnati-graph-data$ hack/show-edges.py --cincinnati https://api.openshift.com/api/upgrades_info/graph fast-4.13 | grep '^4[.]12[.]16 ->' | wc -l 23 cincinnati-graph-data$ hack/show-edges.py --cincinnati https://api.openshift.com/api/upgrades_info/graph fast-4.13 | grep '^4[.]12[.]16 ' | wc -l 91
but showing folks 4.12.16-to-4.12.17 is not worth the line it takes, because 4.12.17 is so old, and customers would be much better served by 4.12.63 or 4.12.64, which address many bugs that 4.12.17 was exposed to. With this ticket, oc adm upgrade recommend would show something like:
Recommended updates: VERSION IMAGE 4.12.64 quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:1263000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 4.12.63 quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:1262000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Updates with known issues: Version: 4.13.49 Image: quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:1349111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Recommended: False Reason: ARODNSWrongBootSequence Message: Disconnected ARO clusters or clusters with a UDR route definition that are blocking the ARO ACR and quay, are not be able to add or replace nodes after an upgrade https://access.redhat.com/solutions/7074686 There are 21 more recommended updates and 67 more updates with known issues. Use --show-outdated-versions to see all older updates.
- blocks
OTA-1285 GenericAlerts conditional update rule to automate the critical alerts precheck
- To Do
OTA-902 Conditional update risk, Red Hat issues vs. customer issues
- Closed
- is blocked by
OTA-1271 Create a new 'oc adm upgrade recommend' subcommand
- Closed
- relates to
OTA-1202 Reword "Supported but not recommended updates" in oc output
- Closed
- links to