1. Proposed title of this feature request
Central Management Kiali instance for Monitoring Multi-primary Istio Installations
2. What is the nature and description of the request?
Cannot monitor child clusters Kiali instances from management openshift cluster. Looking for a central management Kiali console hosted in a management cluster from where we can monitor all child service mesh instances.
Consider there are three OpenShift clusters (v4.14 or any supported minor version), ORT1, ORT2 and ORT3. All three clusters are part of multi-primary setup[1]. We have also enabled Kiali Multi primary[2] functionality where ORT1 Kiali instance can see ORT2 and ORT3 Mesh configuration, traffic flow and workload. In addition to these, we have a management OpenShift cluster cluster named `mgmnt-ocp-cluster`.
The use case is only to install kiali on this management cluster`mgmnt-ocp-cluster` {}and see configuration, traffic flow, and workload from all three child cluster (ORT1, ORT2, ORT3).
[1] Istio Multi Primary setup: https://istio.io/latest/docs/setup/install/multicluster/multi-primary/
[2] Kiali Multi Primary setup: https://kiali.io/docs/features/multi-cluster/
As per the discussion with engineering,
-The kiali Home (central in multi-master) can be outside of your multi-master as every instance is typically outside of the mesh deployed. As long as you get the metrics federated (for graphing) and kube-API access (for configurations through Kiali) that should be working fine.
- Technically it's feasible to do this configuration. Even though it should work fine, the pattern of a centralized Prometheus + Kiali likely is not something the Red Hat engineering team has tested in QE or documented support for on GA, which would exclude it from being supported.
- Through this RFE, I am requesting official support on this through proper testing and QE by the engineering team and release this feature officially.
3. Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)
Operation Team require a central location to monitor all child cluster. Not every support member has access to child clusters
4. List any affected packages or components.
Service Mesh 3