Resolution: Unresolved
OSSM 3.0.0
Waiting for Eng input. Blocked by https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OSSM-8244
We need an end to end procedure that covers:
- Minor upgrades (e.g. 3.0 -> 3.1)
- Patch upgrades (e.g. 3.0.0 -> 3.0.1)
This exists already, but only covers updating the Istio control plane (which is only part of the procedure): https://docs.openshift.com/service-mesh/latest/update/ossm-updating-openshift-service-mesh.html
From end to end, this page should include:
- Understanding versioning (content for this and the next two sections is drafted here)
- Understanding Service Mesh & Istio versions (We only support the latest Istio release)
- Operator Updates & Channels (Note: No update procedure for the operator if they selected 'automatic', but we still need to explain it)
- About Istio control plane update strategies (not to be confused with operator update strategies)
- Procedure: Updating the Istio control plane with InPlace strategy (existing content, upstream content)
- Procedure: Updating the Istio control plane with RevisionBased strategy (existing content, upstream content)
- Procedure: Updating the Istio control plane with RevisionBased strategy using IstioRevisionTag (upstream content)
- Procedure: Updating the Istio CNI daemonset (content drafted here)
- Procedure: Updating the data plane proxies (if not already covered)
Note: Existing content should be reviewed against the upstream content as well, as it may have changed. For example, I am not sure why we document "attaching workloads to the control plane" for InPlace upgrades, as that should likely not be necessary.
Anything else I'm missing?