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  1. OpenShift Service Mesh
  2. OSSM-8152

Failure in periodic-ci-maistra-maistra-test-tool-main-servicemesh-hypershift-4.16-lp-rosa-hypershift-servicemesh-aws-rosa-hypershift - 09-16-2024


    • False
    • None
    • False

      Prow Job Link: periodic-ci-maistra-maistra-test-tool-main-servicemesh-hypershift-4.16-lp-rosa-hypershift-servicemesh-aws-rosa-hypershift #1835771832049864704
      Build ID: 1835771832049864704
      Classification: Maistra Test Failure
      Failed Step: servicemesh-maistra-test-tool-execute

      Here are up to 10 related bugs produced by the step servicemesh-maistra-test-tool-execute and failed with failure type test_failure:

      Bug Date Created Assignee
      OSSM-8140 2024-09-16 Matej Kralik
      OSSM-8134 2024-09-12 Matej Kralik
      OSSM-8028 2024-08-29 Matej Kralik
      OSSM-8025 2024-08-29 Matej Kralik
      OSSM-6957 2024-08-16 Matej Kralik
      OSSM-6853 2024-07-25 Matej Kralik
      OSSM-6842 2024-07-22 Matej Kralik
      OSSM-6729 2024-06-25 Matej Kralik
      OSSM-6721 2024-06-24 Matej Kralik
      OSSM-6716 2024-06-24 Matej Kralik

      This bug was filed using firewatch in OpenShift CI

        1. build-log.txt
          189 kB
          firewatch tool
        2. finished.json
          0.1 kB
          firewatch tool
        3. junit-maistra.xml
          29 kB
          firewatch tool

              mkralik@redhat.com Matej Kralik
              firewatch-tool firewatch tool
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
